Project 3.6 Kw Solar PV System Cheltenham

Brief overview of the project

  • A local landlady approached county energy with a view to improving her EPC rating for her Cheltenham rental property and providing a more energy-efficient home. 
  • After looking at various options we decided on a 3.6 -kw solar PV system. We looked at different rooflines on the property and chose the front-facing roofline and the west-facing area on a flat roof on the back of the property. Collaborating with a team of roofers we constructed our own tower scaffold at the back of the property to provide access to the flat roof and then using Renusol tubs we mounted the ja solar 420-watt solar panels onto the roofline. 
  •  We removed some roof vents along the slate roof line. We constructed 4 Pannels on the flat roof line area at the back of the property using the renusol tub system and 6 on the south facing slate roof at the front. 
  • The aim of the project was to reduce the ladies EPC provide future tenants with lower electrical bills. 

Solar pv grid tied system:Here are some finished project photos:

Solar panels on a roof

Description automatically generated Solar panels on a roof

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